Apeel Acquires ImpactVision, Furthering Goal of Reducing Global Food Waste

Apeel’s new imaging technology will help food producers, distributors and consumers have a better picture of when produce is ripe, and how long it will stay fresh.



播客上的新事物:詹姆斯·罗杰斯(James Rogers)和劳伦·贝克(Lauren Baker)将大创意转变为食品系统现实

现场食品谈话:Dani与全球粮食未来联盟计划计划主任劳伦·贝克(Lauren Baker)谈论如何计算粮食生产的真实成本。然后,Apeel Sciences首席执行官詹姆斯·罗杰斯(James Rogers)讨论了减少食物浪费。

Apeel Sciences的可食用涂料可以使生产更长的新鲜量宣布为2.5亿美元的新资金。他们的任务是在全球范围内与食物浪费作斗争。
Apeel Sciences以Oprah和Katy Perry为投资者,筹集了数百万美元来抵抗食物浪费

Apeel Sciences创建了一个保护层,可将水果和蔬菜保持更长的时间并防止浪费。优德手机客户端中文版资金将部分用于扩大Apeel作为替代撒哈拉以南非洲和南美冷链基础设施的替代。

Food Tank is highlighting 19 organizations that are strengthening the growing food movement by engaging their communities, sharing knowledge and nutritious food, and achieving lasting victories in our efforts to build a more equitable food system.

Food Tank is highlighting 19 organizations that are strengthening the growing food movement by engaging their communities, sharing knowledge and nutritious food, and achieving lasting victories in our efforts to build a more equitable food system.

As society comes to terms with its plastics problem, companies and individuals are finding alternative ways to package their food.


Food spoilage is a pervasive global problem, but an innovative solution from Apeel Sciences will now be available in Europe thanks to a new partnership.

An innovative solution for food spoilage was brought to market in the U.S. by Apeel Sciences last summer and will now be available in Europe thanks to a new partnership.

尽管商店和零售商每年浪费430亿英镑的食物,但Costco与Apeel Sciences一起销售更长的鳄梨。
Apeel Sciences&Costco联手打击食物浪费

Apeel Sciences和Costco之间的新合作伙伴关系将使鳄梨在供应商,零售商和消费者水平的全球食品浪费之外。


Apeel Sciences and Food Tank hosted young food leaders for sustainable food, drink, and discussion in Milan, featuring fresh perspectives on wasted food.


Apeel Sciences have developed Edipeel, an invisible peel made from plant material which dramatically slows the rate of produce spoil and providing benefits to growers, distributors, and consumers.


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