“无论您是否生产食物,食物浪费仍然是您的问题,” Niyeti Shah说

在食品 @ SXSW的未来,小组成员讨论了结束食物浪费所需的不同类型的创新。

R&DE Stanford餐饮加入DARDDANE LABS:为什么它可以标记校园用餐的临界点,作为扩展气候解决方案的关键杠杆

Stanford Dining是Drawdown Labs的业务领导者网络的第一位基于大学的成员,采取了反对气候变化的行动。

Harnessing the Power of Data for the Food System

During a panel on the intersection of food and technology, experts discuss what communities need to use data fairly and effectively to build a better food system.

刷新工作组与美国农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)一起讨论了从土壤到晚餐的食品系统中技术的作用 - 好与坏。

For agriculture and tech experts Ali Lange, Ankita Raturi, Don Bustos, and Tom Vilsack, technology is plotting new horizons for agriculture—as long as certain conditions are met.


借助开创性的峰会,报告,播客等,食品坦克(优德w88积分Food Tank)聚集了一个精彩的卷轴优德88官网,以庆祝新年的到来。w88优德老虎机平台

Former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack describes tech's role in agriculture and the need for better conversation about science at Refresh Food+Tech.
A Conversation About Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Food Systems

Experts in agriculture, artificial intelligence, and technology sit down to discuss the current and future role of tech in agriculture. Former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack opens the discussion.

Food Tank, Google, US Chamber of Commerce, & Cross-Sector Partners Release Report on AI and Food

A new report, Refresh: Food and Tech, from Soil to Supper, is a new approach to talking about technology’s part in agriculture, playing both good and bad roles in the food system.

从土壤到晚餐 - 技术和食品系统


荷兰初创公司Mosa Meat生产了第一个无屠杀的汉堡包,获得了资金,以使清洁肉在2021年之前负担得起。


Google食品领导者克里斯汀·雷尼(Kristen Rainey)在接受食品坦克的采访时分享了她对食物,营养和可持续性的热情。w88优德老虎机平台

克里斯汀·雷尼(Kristen Rainey)努力抵抗食物浪费并在Google上促进植物性饮食。她与食品坦克谈到了她在当今食品w88优德老虎机平台系统中看到的最大问题,并讨论了针对这些挑战的创新解决方案。


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