Izzy Baird
9 Articles 0评论

Izzy Baird是Food Tank的前研究和传播实习生。w88优德老虎机平台她目前正在霍利奥克山学院学习历史和生物学。Izzy对环境教育充满热情,并喜欢学习和教授有关农业和食品的机会。在业余时间,Izzy喜欢骑马,阅读和辩论。

w88优德老虎机平台Food Tank与强大的地球活动总监Lucia von Reusner谈到了泰森食品的环境影响和纠正措施的运动。

Mighty Earth Campaign Director, Lucia von Reusner, sat down with Food Tank to discuss one of her latest campaigns to address the environmental impact of Tyson Foods.

The James Beard Foundation has announced the recipients of the eighth annual Leadership Awards.
詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)荣誉可持续发展领导人

The James Beard Foundation recognizes leaders in the sustainable food movement with the eighth annual James Beard Foundation Leadership Awards.

GRUB执行董事Katie Rains会根据促进健康和可持续的食品选择的方法。

GRUB执行董事Katie Rains与Food Tank进行了交谈,她的工作是为了促进获得健w88优德老虎机平台康食品的机会,2018年农场法案的梦想以及促进营养和农业兴趣的创新。

爱德华兹(Melony Edwards)分享了她对食品系统面临的挑战的想法,以及促进社会意识,环保系统的方法。
爱德华兹(Melony Edwards):“土地是自由,正义和平等的基础”

农场经理爱德华兹(Melony Edwards)与食品坦克(Food Tank)坐下w88优德老虎机平台来讨论食品系统的挑战,例如土地获取中的种族差异和不平等的农作物补贴。

Guy Kilpatric, an agricultural education leader, spoke with Food Tank about the challenges new farmers face and his work teaching sustainable practices.
Guy Kilpatric: Growing the Next Generation of Food Leaders

Guy Kilpatric, manager of the University of Maryland’s Terp Farm, weighs in on methods to encourage and teach aspiring farmers about economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable agricultural practices.

可持续农业领袖詹妮弗·施密特(Jennifer Schmidt)在接受食品坦克采访时讨论了农民面临的挑战和分享有抱负的农民的建议。w88优德老虎机平台
Jennifer Schmidt’s Passion for Agriculture is Inspiring Sustainable Practices

Jennifer Schmidt, a farmer and leader in the sustainable farming movement, spoke with Food Tank about a variety of issues facing the agricultural system, like climate change and diminishing opportunities for new farmers, and shared some solutions to these problems.

Meredith Epstein, a leader in agricultural education, discusses the importance of training the next generation of farmers.
Meredith Epstein is Transforming Agricultural Education

马里兰州可持续农业计划负责人梅雷迪思·爱泼斯坦(Meredith Epstein)分享了教授新农民,新农民面临的挑战以及激发下一代可持续农民的策略的重要性。

Ben Friedman, a leader in the slow and sustainable food movement, discusses food policy, agricultural challenges, and sustainable innovation.
本·弗里德曼(Ben Friedman)正在采用商业方法来解决环境问题

本·弗里德曼(Ben Friedman)分享了餐馆如何改变食品实践以促进可持续性。他与食品坦克坐下来谈论损害食品系统w88优德老虎机平台的一系列问题,以及个人如何帮助解决这些问题。

Kristen Rainey, a food leader for Google, shares her passion for food, nutrition, and sustainability in an interview with Food Tank.

克里斯汀·雷尼(Kristen Rainey)努力抵抗食物浪费并在Google上促进植物性饮食。她与食品坦克谈到了她在当今食品w88优德老虎机平台系统中看到的最大问题,并讨论了针对这些挑战的创新解决方案。

