布莱恩·弗雷德里克(Brian Frederick)

Editorial & Membership Manager

74 Articles 0评论

布莱恩·弗雷德里克(Brian Frederick)is the Editorial & Membership Manager at Food Tank, previously serving as the Content & Membership Coordinator, a Research & Communications Fellow, and an Intern. He received a dual-B.S. in Chemistry/Biomolecular Science and an M.S. in Chemistry from Clarkson University, as well as an M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at the University of Pennsylvania. Brian worked in academia, nonprofit research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies researching biofuels, cancer, and immune health for over a decade before joining Food Tank. Lastly, he is an avid traveler and loves the outdoors.


w88优德老虎机平台食品坦克总裁Danielle Nierenberg主持了关于在食品系统中创造可持续性,消费者习惯零食的方法的讨论,如果企业可以对地球友善,同时仍在生产美味的食物。




The International Forum on Food and Nutrition, an annual event from the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN), is currently live streaming. Topics include the relationship between hunger and obesity, proper use of natural resources, reducing food waste, promoting sustainable diets, the environmental impact of agriculture, and the effects of climate change.

The consequences of our current food system and the importance of placing a value on those consequences to promote change. Interview with Pavan Sukhdev.

Pavan Sukhdev是一个可持续性咨询小组的创始人首席执行官,并且是Teebagrifood指导委员会的开创性报告,该报告是关于评估和改变我们的食品系统的新框架。

门登哈尔(Mendenhall)是农民和倡导者。由Rodale Institute赞助的OFA致力于建立和支持美国有机农民运动和国家政策平台。
Supporting Organic Agriculture “is truly putting America first”

门登哈尔(Mendenhall)是农民和倡导者。由Rodale Institute赞助的OFA致力于建立和支持美国有机农民运动和国家政策平台。


Dr. Hussain’s work focuses on the economics of ecosystems and the environment. In this interview, he discusses a new, ground-breaking report from TEEBAgriFood that outlines a novel, holistic approach to examining our food system.

对Jules Pretty教授,作家和学者的访谈,其工作重点是可持续农业以及人与土地之间的关系。

Pretty是指导委员会的Teeb Agrifood新报告。本报告介绍了如何在全球范围内在农业,生态和人类健康的背景下评估我们的食品系统。

张博士是一位经济学家,是TEEB Agrifood的一份新开创性报告的作者,概述了一个新的框架来查看我们的食品系统。

张博士的研究重点是生态系统服务,农业和环境。在新的TEEB Agrifood报告中,她为为什么需要系统思考来了解我们的食品系统的原因。

独立有机农业研究所Rodale Institute首席科学家Kristine Nichols博士的访谈。

克里斯汀·尼科尔斯(Kristine Nichols)博士是一名土壤微生物学家。她的研究重点是生活在土壤中的微生物以及如何使土壤提高生产力。

Interview with Ross Duffield, Farm Manager at the Rodale Institute, an independent research institute for organic farming.
Duffield: Crop “Yield does not tell the whole story”

Duffield and is integrating livestock into crop rotations and helps aspiring and transitioning farmers by drawing on more than 20 years of farming experience and a background in teaching.

