Morgan Murphy
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Morgan Murphy is a former Research & Writing Intern with Food Tank, as well as an aspiring herbalist, avid health researcher, and student. She is currently studying anthropology at New York University with a concentration in food studies, health, and policy, and is writing a thesis about organic regulation. Morgan has experience working with nonprofit organizations and works for an herb farmer at her local farmers market. Originally from Missouri, she resides in Brooklyn. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors, cooking, dancing, and making DIY herbal products.

AgTech farm development company, 7 Generations, works to provide Native communities and classrooms with better food through indoor vertical farms.

7 Generations, an AgTech farm development country focused on Indian country, looks to indoor vertical farming and STEM education to foster a healthier food system and the next generation of agricultural businesses for Native communities.

克里斯托弗·奎因(Christopher Quinn)执导的新纪录片“吃动物”探讨了工厂农业的经济,环境和健康影响及其对消费者,小农民和动物的深远影响。

克里斯托弗·奎因(Christopher Quinn)执导的新纪录片“吃动物”探讨了工厂农业的经济,环境和健康影响及其对消费者,小农民和动物的深远影响。

State Representative Mia Gregerson explores what the future of farming and agriculture can look like.

华盛顿州的州代表米娅·格雷格森(Mia Gregerson)讨论了青年将如何在下一代农民和政策制定者中发挥作用。

俄勒冈州农业部的亚历克西斯·泰勒(Alexis Taylor)深入研究食品政策,农业青年和地方主义的重要性。
“How can we make food policy more relevant to politicians?” Interview with Oregon’s Alexis Taylor

Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Alexis Taylor, discusses the importance of youth in the food system, how individuals can help shape food policy, and her ties to agriculture and farming.

阿曼达·奥伯恩(Amanda Oborne)讨论了食品政策和个人在改变食品系统方面的力量。
Ecotrust Vice President Amanda Oborne on Food System Reform

Ecotrust Vice President Amanda Oborne sat down with Food Tank to talk about building a better food system through policy and innovation.

Arkansas Farmers joining cooperatives to make small farming possible.
Emily Zweber on Organic Farming, Sustainability, and the Next Generation of Farmers

艾米莉·兹韦伯(Emily Zweber)是一位有机,可持续的乳制品农民,与食品坦克坐下来讨论农业,食品系统的变化以及青年在改变景观w88优德老虎机平台中所扮演的角色。

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