Instagram Live: Joshna Maharaj

Joshna is a chef, two-time TEDx speaker, & activist on a mission to help everyone have a better relationship with their food. She believes strongly in the power of chefs and social gastronomy to bring values of hospitality, sustainability, and social justice to the table.

New on the Podcast: Rebecca Eyre on Equity in Eating Disorder Treatment and Curt Ellis on FoodCorps and Food and Nutrition Education

丽贝卡·艾尔(Rebecca Eyre)讨论了饮食失调治疗方面的公平性。库特·埃利斯(Curt Ellis)讨论学校的食物和营养教育

Faced with nation-wide closures in response to COVID-19, school authorities and partners are stepping up to feed the 30 million children that depend on school food service each day.
Feeding America’s Kids During COVID-19

Faced with nation-wide closures in response to COVID-19, school authorities and partners are stepping up to feed the 30 million children depending on school food service each day.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a budget that proposes $80 million for school food programs serving more than 3.5 million children in the state
Opinion | California Budget Boosts Healthy Food for Kids and Markets for Farmers

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a budget that proposes US$80 million for school food programs serving more than 3.5 million children in the state.



16 School Garden Initiatives Revitalizing Lunches in the Cafeteria

The benefits of school gardens range from higher fruit and vegetable consumption to improved academic performance — and in the cafeterias, students can eat what they grow for lunch.

At age 65, Chef Ann Cooper is working hard to make school lunches more nutritious, fresh, and delicious.

Chef Ann Cooper still firmly believes that school lunches should be made from whole, fresh ingredients—and they should be delicious.

爱丽丝·沃特斯(Alice Waters)倡导学校直接从农民那里获取食物,以创造持久的经济利益以及自助餐厅的欢乐和兴奋。
Alice Waters的免费,可持续的学校午餐

Alice Waters is advocating for a ‘‘free, sustainable school lunch for all students.’ Despite advances in school food, there remains a stigma around school lunch. Waters believes this can change through better food education and stronger procurement policies.

The Community Coalition for Real Meals wants to end unjust business practices in foodservice, reorienting the system toward real food that supports producers, equity, and the environment.
Opinion | New Campaign Launches to Change the Recipe for Foodservice

社区真正的餐食联盟希望将食品商业模式从“大食品”和“真实食品”转移到“真正的食物” - 支持生产者,股权和环境的食物。

厨师安基金会(Ann Foundation)首席执行官马拉·弗里什曼(Mara Fleishman)强调了美国学校食品改革的可能性。
玛拉·弗里什曼(Mara Fleishman):“在学校食物上移动针头”

玛拉·弗里什曼(Mara Fleishman), CEO of the Chef Ann Foundation, tells Food Tank about her inspiration, her work helping schools adopt cook-from-scratch programming, and her vision for the future of school food in America.

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