
“Cooking is an act of showing up in the world, of caring for ourselves and for others,” writes Beth Dooley in The Perennial Kitchen, her new cookbook showcasing local, seasonal, sustainable recipes like this oat and squash risotto.

詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)和原住民发展研究所(Friend Nation Development Institute)最近组织的一个小组庆祝妇女在土著食品系统中的作用。

Women activists talk about their role in preserving and elevating Indigenous foodways during a recent panel organized by the James Beard Foundation and First Nations Development Institute.

凯瑟琳·米勒(Katherine Miller)
詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)的凯瑟琳·米勒(Katherine Miller)谈到了covid-19,《对餐厅的影响,食物的未来》


厨师史蒂文·萨特菲尔德(Steven Satterfield)和米勒联盟(Miller Union)对Covid-19


自2014年以来,奥格拉拉·拉科塔(Oglala Lakota)(Sioux)厨师肖恩·谢尔曼(Sean Sherman)倡导返回在殖民前美洲原住民青睐的土著食品。屡获殊荣的食谱,厨师培训,食品卡车和公共晚餐有助于传播此消息。

自2014年以来,奥格拉拉·拉科塔(Oglala Lakota)(Sioux)厨师肖恩·谢尔曼(Sean Sherman)倡导返回在殖民前美洲原住民青睐的土著食品。屡获殊荣的食谱,厨师培训,食品卡车和公共晚餐有助于传播此消息。

NPR新闻通讯员和詹姆斯·比尔德获奖者艾莉森·奥布里(Allison Aubrey)描述了她对有关“与丹尼·尼尔伯格(Dani Nierenberg)的食品谈话”报告的热爱
“Food Is a Political Act Once You Open Your Eyes,” Says Aubrey


在掌舵11年后,苏珊·乌纳加罗(Susan Ungaro)辞去了詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)(JBF)总裁的职务。Food Tank had the opportunity to sit down with Ungaro ahead of her departure from the Foundation and discuss the elements of her legacy that she is most proud of, the challenges from which she learned the most, and what’s next, both for her and for JBF.
苏珊·恩加罗(Susan Ungaro)反映了11年的詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)总裁

在掌舵11年后,苏珊·乌纳加罗(Susan Ungaro)辞去了詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)(JBF)总裁的职务。Food Tank had the opportunity to sit down with Ungaro ahead of her departure from the Foundation and discuss the elements of her legacy that she is most proud of, the challenges from which she learned the most, and what’s next, both for her and for JBF.

