Danielle Nierenberg
228 Articles 0 Comments

Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world and innovations in sustainable agriculture.


Together we can be that generation and find solutions to nourish both people and the planet! Here are 14 food resolutions for 2014.







In a World Full of Holiday Excess, Let’s Stand Up and Combat Food Waste

During the holidays, resolve to make waste in the food system part of our past, not our future.

VIDEO: Going forward by going back – 15 indigenous crops feeding the world

A newly released video by Food Tank explores the environmental sustainability, nutrition, and financial security produced by enset, an indigenous crop.

Conflict and Agriculture

In honor of the United State’s Veterans Day; highlighting 13 veteran and refugee agriculture projects across the world that are helping to heal wounds of war.

Growing Better Health


40 Chances to Create a Better Food System

Food Tank has compiled a list of 40 individuals and organizations breaking the status quo in food and nutrition security, food sovereignty, and food justice.

Apply to the Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Sustainable Development!

The Earth Institute calls for applications to its Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

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