Putting solar panels on farms would make better use of land and water, boost energy and food production, counter climate change, and aid rural economies.
Agrivoltaics May Offer Fresh Way to Produce Food and Energy


New on the Podcast: Tom Philpott, food and agriculture correspondent for Mother Jones Magazine, discusses his new book Perilous Bounty: The Looming Collapse of American Farming and How We Can Prevent It.

Author of Perilous Bounty, Tom Philpott, discusses the problems with the current state of U.S. agriculture and solutions for a resilient future.

According to EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, the pandemic underscores the critical need for a more sustainable, self-reliant European food system, which the new F2F Strategy is designed to achieve.
Leaders from EU and U.S. Debate Farm to Fork Strategy and Future of Global Trade

According to EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, the pandemic underscores the critical need for a more sustainable, self-reliant European food system, which the new Farm to Fork Strategy is designed to achieve.

Cummins talks Green New Deal, Regenerative Agriculture, COVID-19

Ronnie Feldman is mobilizing support for regenerative agriculture and a Green New Deal.

Raj main

Dani Nierenberg talks with Raj Patel, Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, about the impact of COVID-19 on food and farm workers.

Yet studies show that we cannot avert climate chaos if we don’t support a rapid transition away from large-scale, chemical-intensive food production toward healthier and regenerative agriculture.
Opinion | Green New Deal Must Transform Our Food System to Save Our Climate

Yet studies show that we cannot avert climate chaos if we don’t support a rapid transition away from large-scale, chemical-intensive food production toward healthier and regenerative agriculture.

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