Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste

The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas research shows Nigeria could benefit from improved food donation policies.

New on the Podcast: Emily Broad Leib and Doug O’Brien Talk International Food Donation, and Chef Pierre Thiam Calls for Fonio on American Tables

On Food Talk Live: Dani talks with the creators of the new Global Food Donation Policy Atlas about mapping food donation and waste. Then, chef Pierre Thiam introduces the ancient African grain fonio and its potential to fight food insecurity and climate change.

The Upcycled Food Association hopes the new definition will make it easier for food companies to show how their products contribute to food waste reduction.
Upcycled Food Is Officially Defined, With a Goal of Paving the Way for Industry Food-Waste Reduction

Upcycled foods “use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains, and have a positive impact on the environment,” according to the new definition.

Emily Broad Leib
Emily Broad Leib talks Food Law and COVID-19

“If part of what comes from this is that we realize all the people who are handling the food from the beginning on the farm to the end of the chain are really vital. We need to treat them better, pay them better, give them benefits.”

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